Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Let the Right One In

The premise of this movie is quiet interesting. It follows a 12 year old boy coming of age when a kid-killer is on the loose. Of course time goes on and people must combat their everyday struggles that face them; for the kid this is courage to stand up for himself. When he meets Eli he is intrigued by her and she tells him to stand up for himself. Only after brutally mutilating the bullies ear does he feel great for what he has done. Eli is proud. Oscar finds out she is a vampire and must kill for blood. She senses that Eli wants to kill too but for revenge, all the wrong reasons. The story concludes when Oscar is confronted by a friend of the bully, possibly brother or relative, and he threatens to pay for what he has done with Oscars life. While he is practically drowning him Eli comes back and helps him win the unwin-able battle.

I feel that I have seen this movie many times before. It seems to follow a standard story-line of the underdog story of a protagonist who can't seem to get with society. My explanation is vague of course but this seems to be the criteria of a underdog story. As for the vampuric aspects, there are two stories going on, the murders from the vampires and the murders that Oscar is following of the kids his age. It is also ironic that the bully he stands up to is related in some way to the murderer of the kids; making him a direct target. I feel this is almost a required storyline for a movie like this, the protagonist must have confrontation with what he is tracking but the way they connected him with the murderer, defending himself from a bully, was quiet fascinating. You can see just how small of a town this place actually is.

The movie is a recent film, in 2008, and has a completely different take on vampires than I've seen so far. Today's vampires arn't Pennsylvanian nor bat-like, but more of everyday people that live among us. Eli shares this quality of living among average people but she, and her father, live in fear of the curse that they have. That they will hurt the people around them. I think this movie was reflecting on the fear of humans living among cursed or demon-like people, that anyone can live among them that can bring them down into a personal hell. The fear of murderers, on any sense, is large among my age groups so this is understandable why the director chose vampires as the conscious entity to live among society. Otherwise Eli and her father would be not accepted by the audience if they were just murderers that liked to drink blood! Haha

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